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Monarch Immigrant Services Logo
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Volunteer Training

Volunteer Training

VOLUNTEER TRAINING and ORIENTATION offer important information about the agency, available resources and best ways of making a difference in the lives of many vulnerable seniors we assist.  Volunteer Tutors are of amazing value and resource to the vulnerable seniors...
Volunteer Training

Volunteer Orientation & Training

This is our orientation and training for new volunteers. Join us and get involved helping immigrants in your community.September 11, 2014 – 4:30 PM to 6:00 PMView and join our Facebook Event.
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Bilingual International Volunteer Appreciation Dinner: April 9, 2014Attention Volunteers! Prepare to be recognized! Bilingual International volunteers past and present should keep an eye on their inbox/mailbox for an invitation to our 2014 Volunteer Appreciation...
Nonprofit Quarterly – High Anxiety

Nonprofit Quarterly – High Anxiety

From being featured in 2009, Bi-Lingual went from struggling to expending.  With daily challenges of multilingual service provision, limited funding and extraordinary dedication of our team members, the agency now expanded its operations to include children’s...