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Monarch Immigrant Services Logo
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  AHRQ Report Shows Gains in Access to and Affordability of Health InsuranceMore people have health care coverage, have a usual place to go for medical care and can more easily afford medical bills after the Affordable Care Act’s provisions have taken effect,...


  We can’t do it without you. At Bilingual International Assistant Services, we provide critical mental health, interpretation, and social services to immigrants and refugees. Since 2002, we’ve improved the lives of thousands of underserved, isolated,...
Save the Date: ZUMBA/ HIP HOP

Save the Date: ZUMBA/ HIP HOP

Beat the winter doldrums!  Join our AWESOME dance instructor Stephanie Zitzer for a special class DANCE TO THE LATEST HITSOn Sunday, March 6, Wellbridge Athletic Club and Spa- Clayton will host aZUMBA/HIP HOP class, for both club members and NON-MEMBERS,  to benefit...